Liam Crane Portfolio
Zur'ok Bot
Tech: Python,, MongoDB, Nginx

A Discord bot used for storing and recalling memorable quotes from conversations between users.
Also supports rolling dice and generating D&D character stats.
First created in 2016!

Zur'ok Web
Tech: Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, OAuth, MongoDB, Nginx

A website for users to view and manage their own quotes, that have been added through Discord using Zur'ok Bot.
Users can also view a leaderboard of the top 5 most quoted users in their Discord server.

Tech: Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Nginx

This very portfolio!
Made with Flask, using Nginx for a reverse proxy.
Hosted on the same Ubuntu VPS as Zur'ok, Zur'ok Web, Cardea, and the Mongo database.

Mini Projects
Tech: Go, HTML, CSS, JS, Nginx

A basic web based status page, for viewing configured Systemd services on Linux machines.

Tech: Go, Cloudflare

A small tool to update configured domain DNS records with your public IP address, using the Cloudflare API.

Tech: Go, MongoDB

A small tool to help automate the backup of MongoDB collections to json files.

Game Jams
Game Mods
CustomStoryLogs (1.01m downloads)
Tech: Unity, BepInEx, C#

Allows mod creators to implement their own in game story logs, with an in game tool for placement, and a web based tool for creating the logs.
Has additional features when logs are added through code, allowing for custom models or event triggers upon log collection.

FeedFish (82.1k downloads)
Tech: Unity, BepInEx, C#

Adds functionality to the game's goldfish furniture item, allowing players to feed their crewmates' bodies to the ship's goldfish in return for a chance to be rewarded.